
Wacko_ is out!

The album follows a narrative of “weirdifaction” —a bright sonic world that gradually unveils a creeping sense of absurdity. Wacko_ is the first album written, and recorded, by Cage.log. It is an IndieTronica/Art- pop album that blends Jazz, Funk, IDM, and Ambient influences.

Credits: Written by Cage.Log.
Recorded by Cage.Log.
Conceptualised by Dylan Hokstam.
Electric bass played by Cage.log.
Drum Tracks bitten through by Cage.log.
Electronic elements Produced by CDL.
Lyrics by Cage.log.
Vocals by Dylan Hokstam.
repetetively mixed by CDL.
Mastered by Robin van Ulft
Album cover painted by Dylan Hokstam

Special thanks to:
Robin van Ulft — for helping with mastering the Album.
Damian Been.
Puk Bruinsma.
Everyone at Mlem Records — for helping with mixing, mastering and genuine interest.
Released sometime under CC BY-NC-SA.

Side 1{

1. Crowded;
2. InorOut;
3. Roman;
4. Love Under;


Side 2{

5: cs1x;
6: ___.________;
7: second #1;


next release?

Mlem Records is a netlabel in cyberspace.